The debut comic based on the hit game from Squanch Games! The bounty hunter has become the hunted! Though they restored peace to the cosmos by killing Garmantuous, there’s no rest for the Bounty Hunter when a brutal new threat to Humans shoot...
THE BOUNTY HUNTER HAS BECOME THE HUNTED! The chase is on; Harper leads the Bounty Hunter and the gang to her abandoned Gatlian Resistance, where the horrifying monument stirs long-suppressed memories in Creature’s mind. Meanwhile, Smithson Wes...
A sexy sci-fi comedy about the three hottest criminals in the universe.Haze: shapeshifter/galaxy’s greatest thief. Blue Lick: catman/brawny getaway driver. Rat: angel/bombshell hacker. In a future where humanity was guided by an all...
The first-ever graphic novel set in the insane world of High on Life. The Bounty Hunter becomes the hunted!After the Bounty Hunter defeated Garmantuous and the G3 cartel at the end of the eponymous videogame, the human race was listed as a protected ...