This superb collection signals the long overdue return of Albert Maltz, one of the "Hollywood Ten" blacklisted during the McCarthy era, to the forefront of American letters. From "Afternoon in the Jungle" an unforgettable glimpse of the brutalization...
Poland, January 1945. Two women and four men escape from a Nazi death march. Each is from a different background and a different country, but all have endured the horrors of imprisonment in Auschwitz. They find refuge in an abandoned factory, and sud...
As time ticks along with indifference, the inmates of the Washington District Jail drag on their daily routine behind bars. Innocent at their birth, these frail creatures who have lost their way now spend their lives shut out of society, deprived of ...
Despite being decorated with a German Service Cross, Willi Wegler is inwardly sickened by both Hitler's genocidal war and the complicity of his fellow citizens in Third Reich brutalities. Wracked by guilt, he suddenly betrays his country in a profoun...
The scene opens in Moscow in August 1968. Forty-two-year-old Daniil Petrovich Barkov is a prizewinning writer whose life is at a crossroads. His wife is slowly dying in a hospital bed, and his faith in his country is shaken by the anti-democratic inv...
The titular story in this collection, 'Man on a Road' – which famously led to the 1936 congressional hearings that exposed the worst industrial disaster in American history – is a snapshot of appalling capitalist exploitation from the per...