This short story is the first adventure of Jason Curtis and his ship, the Starfire. In a not-too-distant future where small starships are as common as private jets, a skilled but impulsive pilot discovers that it's often easier to get himself into tr...
Starship pilot Jason Curtis just wanted to find a beach for a little rest and relaxation. Then he met Renee. "'Starfire, this is Kakuloa control. Are you declaring an emergency?'Air hissed out of a bullet hole in my cockpit, yello...
Edgar Allan Poe once said "Sleep, those little slices of death; Oh how I loathe them." Yet sleep - hibernation - may be the only way to make interstellar travel possible. Aboard the starship Raven, a crewman standing watch is surrounded by sleepin...
On a distant planet, archeologist Hannibal Carson finds the remains of a high-tech artifact in a primitive tomb.The Velkaryans, a ruthless cult, believe it's the clue to a lost cache of alien weapons. Homeworld Security enlists Carson and his old fla...
UFOs?Hannibal Carson and the mysterious Quentin Ducayne have discovered more alien talismans.They provide a clue to the aliens’ home system...and to a legendary UFO abduction back on Earth, a connection which the Velkaryan cult is deadly serious ab...
What else could go wrong?
Franklin Drake’s six-ship expedition to Alpha Centauri is down to five ships. His injured lead exobiologist has been replaced by the backup . . . who is his second-in-command’s ex. And they haven’t even left the Sola...
"Alpha Centauri: Sawyer's World" is the sequel to "Alpha Centauri: First Landing." When the exploration team discovers that the first of two Earth-like planets had been deliberately terraformed millions of years earlier, commander Elizabeth Sawyer ta...
In this sequel to Alpha Centauri: First Landing and Sawyer's World, The USS Heinlein returns to Earth, hoping to refit, refuel, and return to the Alpha Centauri system within weeks to pick up the stranded crew of the USS Poul Anderson. Things don't w...
Star pilot Jackie Roberts just wants to run a little freight then head home to Tau Ceti. But she owes Ducayne, of Homeworld Security, a favor.Ducayne wants her to go to 82 Eridani to pick a mysterious package up from one of his agents.After archeolog...
Six previously published science-fiction short stories and a novel extract, including: "The Gremlin Gambit", "Snowball", "Light Conversation", "Into the Fire", "The Sock Problem", "Poetic Justice", and an excerpt from Alpha Centauri: First Landing....
Beware of assumptions.The Alpha Centauri system is just full of surprises.They thought Rico was dead. But now he’s just woken up in a traumapod in a strange place, and nobody is giving him answers.The geologists, in Alpha Centauri: Sawyer's World, ...
Just a walk in the park......if that park is dense jungle under a green sky, infested with venomous flying jade ribbon snakes, and inhabited by primitive but intelligent aliens. And when Jason Burnside has walked through all that, he's going undercov...