When Jamie and his Dad create a bedtime story, a predictable fairy tale soon transforms into an energetic, hilarious story of bears and princes jostling with broccoli-wielding frogs, evil-eyed ninja witches and jewel thief princesses. An action-packe...
The transport ship Orion is four months out of Earth when catastrophe strikes - leaving the ship and everyone on board stranded in deep spaceSuddenly it's up to thirteen-year-old Beth and her friends to navigate through treacherous and uncharted terr...
It’s storytime around the campfire for Jamie, Abby, and Dad, featuring their favorite characters – prince, witch, thief, bears – and this time, a dreadful ogre! Will the heroes prevail – or will it take a small but mighty frog...
The second book in a thrilling, magical, and action-packed new fantasy series, illustrated throughout and perfect for 7 - 9 year olds!In the land of Draconis, there are no dragons.Once, there were. Once, humans and dragons were friends, and created t...
The first book in a thrilling, magical, and action-packed new fantasy series, illustrated throughout and perfect for 7 - 9 year olds!In the land of Draconis, there are no dragons.Once, there were. Once, humans and dragons were friends, and created th...
The third book in the thrilling, magical, and action-packed fantasy series, Dragon Storm, illustrated throughout and perfect for 7 - 9 year olds!In the land of Draconis, there are no dragons.Once, there were. Once, humans and dragons were friends, an...
A thrilling, unputdownable adventure, from the highly-acclaimed author of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize-shortlisted Orion Lostand the Blackwell's Children's Book of the Year, Adam-2.The world of Colony is in ruins. No one knows what caused so...
Enter a world of secret dragons! Young Kai and his fellow dragonseers must use their powers to protect their kingdom from dark forces in this action-packed chapter-book fantasy series, perfect for readers of Dragon Masters!Kai and his fellow dragonse...
Get ready to enter a magical world filled with secret dragons and their summoners--the dragonseers! Meet, Erin, a young dragonseer, as she hones her fight-or-flight instincts in this thrilling fantasy series that's perfect for readers ages 7-10!To al...
The fourth book in a thrilling, magical, and action-packed new fantasy series, illustrated throughout and perfect for 7 - 9 year olds!In the land of Draconis, there are no dragons.Once, there were. Once, humans and dragons were friends, and created t...
The seventh book in a thrilling, magical, and action-packed new fantasy series, illustrated throughout and perfect for 7-9 year olds!In the land of Draconis, there are no dragons.Once, there were. Once, humans and dragons were friends, and created th...
The eighth book in a thrilling, magical, and action-packed new fantasy series, illustrated throughout and perfect for 7-9 year olds!In the land of Draconis, there are no dragons.Once, there were. Once, humans and dragons were friends, and created the...
A story within a story, that celebrates family time together. In an all too relatable nod to the stresses of working from home while home-schooling kids, Jamie and Abby are bored, and bored. Dad, trying to work from his dining table offic...
An outstanding, highly original and unputdownable read. Following on from I AM WOLF, this is a bold, thought-provoking adventure perfect for fans of MORTAL ENGINES and THE LAST WILD.
Once, Brann belonged to Raven. She flew high above the world a...