"A story for which the world is not yet prepared.” In these words Dr. John Watson, in The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes, describes the legend of Harat, the gigantic rat who ruled over the nation of Bada and its “people who were not human.” Their...
With a case as confounding as any in the original Holmes canon and a tale so terrifying it lay hidden for more than a century in Dr. Watson's dispatch box, Sherlock Holmes and the Giant Rat of Sumatra begins familiarly enough. Elizabeth Trent, a bere...
Author! Author! contains two short stories and a novella, with famous authors as the leading characters. In “The Transfiguration of W. H. Auden,” the great poet dies and goes, not to heaven, but someplace better. Victorian England! In “The Man ...
A World of Mung: That’s what they called Kolnap, a sorry sack of methane mush, the least glorious posting in the entire Nardan Confederation, a good thirty years’ freeze from the nearest “civilized” planet. Careers were lost on Kolnap, n...
How did Alice Barnstable, a not so simple girl from Valdosta, Georgia, find herself mixed up in the fast-paced world of political consulting, not to mention toting a gun for the CIA? Alice will tell you all about it, in a bildungsroman that takes rea...