During the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, seven-year-old Thomas Moran finds himself accidentally embarking on a career in pickpocketing. In the following years he becomes a master of his dubious craft and grows to manhood traveling from state to s...
The story behind the beloved film, Bugsy Malone, leaps off the page in this full colour original comic-strip graphic novel.In Prohibition-era New York City, Fat Sam runs one of the most popular speakeasies in town â€" but his rival Dandy Dan is tryin...
The story behind the beloved film, Bugsy Malone, leaps off the page in this full colour original comic-strip graphic novel.
(This ebook is optimised for Kindle tablets and the Kindle App. It is not suitable for e-Ink kindle devices, such as ...
A powerful story of love, betrayal and corruption inspired by the author's experiences of 20 years as a cop.In a small mining town in Australia a grieving 15 year old girl finds herself ensnared in a web of deceit woven by a corrupt lawyer who seeks ...