Clouds in the Attic tells of a heartbroken boy named Christopher who due to a family relocation is separated from his beloved friends. Appointed by the Holy Breeze, Christopher journeys to the Island of Time where he is offered a seed from the Tree o...
A new technology has allowed anyone to travel anywhere in the world within seconds. How? Through the internet. However, the cure for the world's travel concerns brings about even more potential dangers, and when the creator of the "Portal" is framed ...
DEAD NATIONS' ARMY CODE FLESH A New World Order is now in place…ruling the planet…one that the populace allowed to get out of control… The elite government officials, the most wealthy persons, those deemed ‘important’ now live in Utopias…...
" ...]Beaumont lie a little further to make thee a room." And, as usual, I kissed her. Her splendid thoughts were independent of mere space. They rose above and superior to close modernity. Thank goodness, again, for the lack of a sense of humor Wit...
A Marriage Below Zero (1889) is a novel by Alan Dale. Recognized as one of the first English language novels to openly depict homosexuality, the novel is a poignant study of the institution of marriage and the policing of desire in Victorian England....
Saddled with the project everyone dreaded, Mark Hammond finds himself ensnared in a nightmare that threatens his marriage, career, sanity and, finally, his life. Who are the increasingly violent activists, wreaking havoc, with attacks on petrochemica...