Yuuma Tsugari is an ordinary high school student whose family runs a bathhouse. He leads a peaceful, uneventful life-but that all changes when two beautiful women approach him, each certain he’s the legendary man she’s been searching for! But whi...
As if learning that he may be both the hero and the demon lord wasn’t enough for Yuuma Tsugari to handle, beauties from another world keep popping up out of nowhere, throwing his normal life into chaos! The fight over him only gets worse when Princ...
Yuuma’s new life as a hero and a demon lord isn’t easy-every day, more and more beautiful women show up at his house, and he can’t get a moment to himself! On top of that, he learns a member of the Demon Dragon Clan is on her way to challenge h...
As Yuuma’s battle with Carina rages on, he struggles to master his new swords. Fortunately, his demon sword has a mind of her own, and she’s doing the fighting for him! But he’s also got a secret move, and after he unleashes it on Carina, she f...