Theodore Da Baer, an adventure into the world of magic and wizardry, follows the mishaps of a German boy as he follows his dream to become a wizard. Just as his dream comes true, the king orders all wizards to be put to death. To save white magic, th...
The excitement continues in this second series of Theodore and Taylor’s adventures. Join them as they begin to train the new apprentice wizards and face many battles with the evil wizards who are trying to keep them from fulfilling their destiny. L...
The excitement continues in this third book in the series of Theodore and Taylor’s adventures. What great adventures await our wizards? Join Taylor and Theodore as they do battle with the evil wizards, witches, and fairies that are trying to keep t...
The excitement continues in this third book in the series of Theodore and Taylor’s adventures. What great adventures await our wizards? Join Taylor and Theodore as they do battle with the evil wizards, witches, and fairies that are trying to keep t...
A Cajun Crawfish Tale is a delightful story about two simple crawfishermen and their unusual adventures with a magical crawfish. Come and join Boudreaux and Badeaux as they do a battle of wits with a magical crawfish and are taught a very valuable le...
The Cycle of Life is a beautiful story about the friendship and love between Cal, the caterpillar and Ernest a bird. Share in this delightful story as this unlikely pair become friends. Laugh with them as they share in fun adventures. Cry with Earnes...