This is a story about family, community, and the lives that they lead. Deception, adultery, murder, revenge, romance, betrayal, mayhem, love, and justice, just to name a few, all take place in "D.C. Heights." Richard Cobb, a world-class manipulator a...
A dead hero opens his eyes. To his horror, he finds he has been raised from the grave to serve as the minion of a desperate necromancer called Mordius. Our hero's body has been stolen from a battlefield contested by two kingdoms that have been at war...
An innocent child is spirited away during an attack on a palace. A remote temple is desecrated, its priests slaughtered and its relics plundered. An ancient enemy stirs. One by one, the gods begin to fall. . . As chaos descends upon the kingdom of Du...
The demon realm is rising . . . The Demon-King is coming . . . These are the last days of mortal kind. Weakened by internal division and recent struggles, the gods are no longer able to protect the mortal realm from either the enemies that exist with...
From international fantasy author A J Dalton, Knight of Ages tells the tale of a cursed/penitent knight and his squire. They have fought for centuries against dark wizards, demons and the inevitable corruption of mankind. Now, as they enter a kingdom...
In 'Empire of the Saviours', the People are forced to live in fortified towns, their walls guarded by an army of Heroes. Several times a year, living Saints visit the towns to exact the Saviours' tithe from all those coming of age. When a young boy, ...
The gods will see you brought down...The spirits of your ancestors will have their revenge upon you...The Saviours will drain you of your very soul. In claiming a place in the world, mortals have won many enemies for themselves. The ancient gods are ...
This exciting new collection brings together the writing talents of international fantasy author A J Dalton, Nadine West (Bridport Anthology) and Matt White (prize-winning scriptwriter). Magic, myth and heroic mayhem combine in a world that is eerily...
"Contains secrets, warnings and delights. A must-read." - Kate Sultrow Would you want to be an angel? The pay's terrible and you get nothing but complaints from dissatisfied mortals. This exciting new collection brings together the writing talents of...
Nominated for the BSFA Awards 2017 for non-fiction and cover art!'This is an essential guide to help readers and writers of fantasy know their grimdark from their urban, dark, epic, high and metaphysical fantasy. International fantasy author A J Dalt...
He saw dragons everywhere, and that was why they’d put him in a secure unit. They told him there was no such thing as dragons. But he’d seen unprovoked attacks on the street, violence break out in an apparently quiet bar, rage overtake people on ...
Contains secrets, magicks, feisty familiars, warnings and true beauty. A must-read!Kate Sultrow Have you ever been persecuted, demonized, drowned or burnt at the stake? Witches have, and here are their stories.This exciting new collection ...
Fun with Colors is about the vibrant colors in our world and ways they are portrayed. This children's book is for English and Spanish speakers and for those who desire to learn Spanish while having fun reading....
Contains secret lore, forbidden magicks and exquisite seductions. At last!- Kate Sultrow What if I offered you the words to conjure a demon?And what if that demon could provide you with everything you'd ever wanted?Shall I whisper the words now? Come...
Contains conjurations, arcane rituals and gallows humour. It might just save you! - Kate SultrowWhere should we look for answers if we wish to better understand death? Scientists still haven'tcome up with all the answers, so maybe we shouldn't just s...
The denizens of dark places, the seldom seen and barely sensed are given shape and voice in this collection by A J Dalton. In these pages we find witches, demons, goblins, mages and trolls. The collection also contains glimpses of alternative histori...