Is the kingdom's fate in the hands of an orphan cat? Running fast to save his life, Aldwyn ducks into an unusual pet store. Moments later Jack, a young wizard in training, comes in to choose a magical animal to be his familiar. Aldwyn's always bee...
Prepare for the unfamiliar When every bit of human magic disappears suddenly from Vastia, it falls on the familiars -- Aldwyn the telekinetic cat, Skylar the know-it-all blue jay, and Gilbert the gullible tree frog -- to find the Crown of the Snow...
Can the familiars bring magic back to the queendom? Vastia is in a state of war. Led by the evil Paksahara, whose command of the Shifting Fortress gives her nearly unstoppable power, an army of undead animals is wreaking havoc on the queendom. Wi...
Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson, authors of the beloved Familiars series, ramp up the action in this space-age adventure that School Library Journal calls "a satisfying choice," perfect for fans of Star Wars and Percy Jackson. Zachary Night ...
he familiars Aldwyn the cat, Skyler the blue jay, and Gilbert the tree frog are off on an all-new adventure in the series that Michael Buckley, bestselling author of The Sisters Grimm and NERDS series, says "combines the magic of Harry Potter and the...