A solitary man, Paul Gregory is the mysterious owner of trendy nightspot, Pal's, in the Southern Illinois University town of Carbondale, Illinois. Liliane Greening, a researcher at the university, is putting her life back together after an emotionall...
Paul Gregory is the owner of Pal's, a fashionable supper club in the Southern Illinois University town of Carbondale. In his other life he works undercover for the Drug Enforcement Administration, a line of work for which he has a natural talent. Pau...
Ruby Paige, a freelance writer with her own cyber business, thoroughly enjoys her life on a very special island in the Caribbean. She is perfectly content living alone in a luxury villa with her dog for company and works at her own convenience from a...
Paul Gregory's son, Nick, is a magnet for trouble. As Nick's problems begin to unfold, Paul is grateful for the gift of Rose, for his daughter is as trouble-free as his son is trouble-prone. Activity begins in southeast Louisiana where Paul runs his ...