Life is simple in Ben's small town until an attack brings the arrival of exciting strangers straight out of a story. Before Ben understands what is happening, he embarks on a dangerous journey to help his friends. A mage, demons, thieves and assassin...
Endless Flight continues the epic saga of Benjamin Ashwood. As Ben flees from powerful forces, the course of political alliances and a war hinge on information he and a friend possess. To save that friend's family, and countless other lives, they mus...
After uncovering the existence of an ancient, secretive organization, Ben must track down its whereabouts to enlist help in a battle for the fate of humanity. He goes behind enemy lines and faces certain danger. He must convince the powerful elites t...
The fourth book in the fan favorite Benjamin Ashwood series follows Ben as he journeys into the unknown. Behind him, the prospect of war builds between two powerful factions. A threat to all of Alcott looms in the north. Ben and his party seek to sec...
Ben returns in Book 5 of the popular Benjamin Ashwood series. Magic, adventure, and epic battles. The board is set for an incredible conflict that will determine the fate of the world. Can Ben and his friends assemble enough strength to save Alcott -...
A ranger's duty. The rotten heart of a king. Rebellion spilled from the blood of family.Rew, the king's ranger, accepted a role on the far edge of the realm to avoid the morass of intrigue and betrayal that bleeds from the heart of the kingdom. His o...
Rew, the King's Ranger, leads his young companions on a deadly journey to find their father. On a path that twists across the Eastern Territory, they fight toward the prison where Baron Fedgley is held. The party will face bandits, assassins, treache...
A ranger's duty. The rotten heart of a king. Rebellion spilled from the blood of family.Rew, the King's Ranger, leads his young companions on a deadly journey to find their father. On a path that twists across the Eastern Territory, they fight toward...
A ranger's duty. The rotten heart of a king. Rebellion spilled from the blood of family.In Book 4 of the King's Ranger series, Rew and his companions find themselves transported across the kingdom and flung into the teeth of waiting danger. There's n...
AC Cobble presents the epic conclusion to the Benjamin Ashwood series.Ben and his friends have defeated a deadly threat to mankind, and gained powerful allies along the way, but sometimes the biggest danger is ourselves. In the final book in the Benj...