The Weapon Bearer â€" is the first book in a series “The Search for the Brights.” This coming of age story starts with a boy named Kilen looking to start his life’s journey in search of knowledge. Before he can start his journey his mother gi...
In the follow-up to Aaron Thomas’s international Amazon best-selling novel, “The Weapon Bearer” the story of Kilen and his friends continues. The Fire Realm is invading the Earth Realm with an army of its most seasoned veterans, who are willing...
"A GIANT AWAKES" takes the reader through the life of Daniel Moorhouse, a Chippewa tribal member who overcomes racism, domestic violence, heroin addiction, death of family members to become a hall of fame football and baseball player. "A GIANT AWAKES...
Based on real events, Aaron M. Thomas (Lummi/Cowichen) takes you through a fictional tale of the story of Martin, a Lummi tribal member who survives the government-run boarding schools, becoming a prisoner of war and comes home to his tribe to become...
Barry Whiteman, a tribe member from Tulalip Tribes is voted in as the 45th Vice President of the United States under the Libertarian party, in the US's lowest voter turnout. His running mate, John Dungberry wins the Presidency, however, a week into h...
Third book in the "Search for the Brights" series. The adventure continues as Kilen, Bowie, Twilix, and more search for a way to stop a soul wizard from raising a army of soulless soldiers and keep King Atmos from taking control of the Water Realm....
From the Author that brought you The Weapon Bearer and The Search for the Brights, Aaron Thomas brings you the first addition to his space adventure series The Forgotten Clone. Jason Wakes in an unfamiliar medical bay with no idea of how much time ha...
The Wailing Woods II leaves off from the first book in the three-book trilogy. The main character Jamie, a homeless tribal woman has to figure out how to stop the onslaught of human kind at the hands of Bigfoot? But wait, there is a Sasquatch that is...