Finding Forever: An Unexpected Bride
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    Previously released story collection
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List of Titles

Author Book Series Genre Date Rating Genre      
Contemporary Romance / CR 4
Contemporary Romance / CR 5
Contemporary Romance / CR 5
  • Description:
    Finding their fresh start

    Dr Nick Tremayne and midwife Kate Althorp's marriage is in trouble. Until one passionate night results in the birth of their son, Jem! Now this precious little boy is fighting for his life. Seeing how much their son needs them could be what it takes for Nick and Kate to find their way back to each other….

    Single and pregnant, Dr Izzy Bailey is nervous on her first day back at St. Piran's Hospital. Is everyone talking behind her back? It seems the only person to quiet the gossip is neonatal nurse Diego Ramirez. Diego soon finds a way to make her smile… until she goes into labour dangerously early… Will this be the beginning of a fairy tale for all three of them?

    Talented neurosurgeon Gio Corezzi's deliciously dark good looks turn the heads of every female at St. Piran's Hospital -- except quiet beauty Jessica Carmichael's. But with no one to turn to and nowhere for Jess to live while her dilapidated cottage is being patched up…she knows Gio's offer of a roof over her head is one she can't refuse.