A Spring Bouquet
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    Original story collection
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List of Titles

Author Book Series Genre Date Rating Genre      
(ss) Traditional Regency / RG 3.5
(ss) Paranormal Romance / PNR 0
(ss) Contemporary Romance / CR 3.5
(ss) Contemporary Romance / CR 4
  • Description:
    CASTLES IN THE SAND by Janet Dailey
    They were kids together on Southern California's Castle Sand Pier, a majestic wharf topped by a colorful carousel. Years later, Bridget and Reese meet again... and find that time has rekindled a passion too powerful to deny.

    THE MARRYING KIND by Debbie Macomber
    Katie Kern and Jason Ingram were high school sweethearts... until Katie's wealthy parents put an end to their elopement. Now, a decade later, Jason is days away from marrying another woman. But Katie walks back into his life... and the years magically melt away.

    HASTEN DOWN THE WIND by Rebecca Brandewyne
    Elizabeth knows nothing of the Great Range Wars of the Old West... until she is suddenly swept back a hundred years in time... and kidnapped by the notorious Chaingo, a half-breed outlaw who rides with Billy the Kid. Is he just a cold-blooded desperado... or is he fated to win her heart with a timeless love?

    Regency debutante Anna Featherstone's rented London townhouse is filled with intriguing Gothic details... and scandalous secrets. When the notorious Earl of Carne moves into the mansion next door, a secret connecting door becomes a passageway to danger -- and romance.