When dark-haired Holly Hathaway arrives at Children's Hospital as a newly licensed physical therapist, she is at last fulfilling a pledge she long ago made to help handicapped children. Although warmly welcomed by her roommate, Amy Roberts, she immediately sets off on the wrong foot. A seemingly innocuous attempt to help young Chip Bourland incurs the ire of his mother, Natalie, and the stern admonitions of Neal Keller, the ruggedly handsome intern in orthopedics. Holly is later reassured by lighthearted pediatrician Randy Fairfield that not all the doctors at Children's are so harsh.
Holly is more determined than ever after this incident to make a success of her career, even though she finds that she has been assigned to assist Dr. Keller. Her job is further complicated by Natalie Bourland's hostility toward her. Holly tries to please her supervisor, Jessie Pittman, who is equally determined that Holly not offend Mrs. Bourland, the influential benefactor of the physical therapy department. Holly is inadvertently blamed for the irresponsible actions of the lovely Diana Parrish, who is practically engaged to Dr. Keller and works as a hospital volunteer to be near him. Holly is also deeply distressed by her inability -- due to his mother's possessiveness -- to help Chip.
Struggling against these odds seems almost impossible to Holly, and she is about to give up. Only her heroic efforts in a near-tragic accident save her job. Holly also finds -- to her surprise -- that love is not incompatible with her career.