Yeshua Is Dead
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Six ordinary people with their own lives and concerns suddenly face a man due to be executed:
* Shimon, a thief betrayed by a king and sentenced to death himself
* Barabbah, a rebel and killer who has his own band of followers to look after
* Septimus, a Roman centurion responsible for enforcing the law
* Yitshak, a lawyer trying to protect his people
* Mariam, his mother
* Yohanan, his friend and follower

Yeshua of Nazerat has been in Jerusalem for five days. In the middle of political and civil uncertainty, he has been greeted like the long-awaited king, and the people think that he will take charge and return the land to its former glory. Then, at the height of his popularity, he is arrested and sentenced to death.

Has he deceived the people and taken advantage of their expectations? He has made promises which he does not seem able to keep. Is he a madman who believes that he is someone he is not, or is he the fulfilment of the prophecies as has been claimed?

These six people will encounter Yeshua at the darkest point of his life and decide for themselves.
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