Wolf's Lady
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    Paranormal Romance
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A hunky Native American wolf shifter who has never kissed a woman is hunting for a mate. A curvaceous lady of experience is looking for one special man to settle down with. Can they find a way to live happily ever after? In the year 2070, there are no cool advanced technical gadgets or weapons. In fact, most people are living like it's the American frontier all over again. Terrorists used nuclear devices to simultaneously destroy most major US cities, as well as major cities in other countries. With the huge loss of life, the infrastructure crumbled. Hospitals and rescue services were so overwhelmed that they failed. The terrorists also released a virus that later came to be known as the Woman Killer Plague. It killed both men and women but more women died, making females valuable commodities. This is the world of Sand Wolfe, a lonely bachelor of the Lakota Wolf Clan, and Miss Amanda, the woman his wolf claims as their mate. Sand goes to Omaha to work as muscle in his cousin Sky's whorehouse. There he meets his mate, Miss Amanda, who also works in Sky's House, although in a very different position. She is the only woman his wolf will allow him to have, and she's the only woman he wants. He will do anything to convince her to accept his mate claim. Can a businesswoman leave her glamorous life and settle down in a wolf den? Amanda finds Sand's methods of persuasion very persuasive. But will the men of Omaha allow her to leave? Sand figures he might have to kill a few of her clients, but it's a small price to pay to bring his mate home. Although this story takes place later than other books in the series, it is meant to stand alone.
People / Creatures
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    • Apr-2016
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1530354501
    • ISBN13: 9781530354504
    • First Edition
    • Mar-2015
    • Maddy Barone
    • eBook
    • Mar-2015
    • Maddy Barone
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 150704223X
    • ISBN13: 9781507042236

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