When Karl Met Devon
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    Contemporary Romance
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Karl never thought about having a lot of money. He'd been born to it and although he knew his father was a very successful doctor and his mother was a top lawyer, the amount of money they had was kind of irrelevant.When Karl meets Devon at school, he knows there's something about him that is very special. He is drawn to him in a way that has never happened to him before. He's always had mates - but they way he feels around Devon is completely different.When Devon asks him to be his date to prom, he is thrown into despair. His stuck-up, homophobic parents would never allow that - but Devon has an idea...Devon has always known he was gay from being a very young boy. He's also always known that he likes being a girl sometimes, too.Meeting and falling in love with Karl is something he never really expected and as wonderful as it is, he's still not sure that Karl will be able to handle his alter-ego, Delilah...Well, there's only one way to find out. He wants to go to prom with his boyfriend and since Karl's parents won't allow him to date a boy, it's time for Karl to meet Delilah. Simple...
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