What a Ghoul Wants
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    Dark Fantasy
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Wicked witches. Murder. Mystery.Ghosts and ghouls. Corpse kleptomaniacs. This witch needs to solve a crime before someone exposes her past.Vega Bloodmire has it all: a teaching position at the most prestigious magical boarding school for witches, a hot dance partner she's dating, and enemies who mind their own business. She's ready to take her relationship with Castor Troilus to the next level. If he's compatible as a long-term boyfriend, he'll be willing to accept her as she is. Namely, she needs to learn if he's willing to fulfill her macabre fantasies and have sex with her in a graveyard.It's sort of a deal breaker if he doesn't.Her plans to test him are sabotaged when she realizes someone is exhuming graves in her graveyard without permission. Vega can't rest until she learns whether this is a thief-whom she thoroughly intends to punish-or if the dead are rising through the means of forbidden magic. Unfortunately, this means using a dangerous solution-speaking with the spirits. If she's caught, not only will she lose her job, but she might be tried as a criminal for using forbidden magic. Even if she isn't caught, striking a deal with the dead is an even more dangerous gamble. Especially when her ghostly ally threatens to expose Vega's ghoulish secrets if she doesn't find the thief.Can Vega solve this mystery before a ghost reveals her crimes so she can get back to fulfilling her morbid fantasies with her boyfriend?This book starts with Vega Bloodmire's life before working at Womby's School for Wayward Witches when she was a new and inexperienced teacher at Lady of the Lake School for Girls. WHAT A GHOUL WANTS is the 8th book in the series of mysteries taking place at a magical academy, but these whodunnits are fine to be read in any order.Clean, cozy, no sex or swearing, PG 13-perfectly fine for teens or grandmas who like mysteries with magic.

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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2021
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback

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