Water's Mark
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She's as fluid as water
Cyane of the Pegaeae, spring nymphs, can cure any disease. Imprisoned for her powers not once, but twice, she's determined to return to her people. But that means escaping her second captor, the formidable Lord of a race of crab shifters, who has no intention of letting her go. Not until she's healed every last one of his people--a task which will drain the last drops of her powers.

He's as rigid as stone
Theron, leader of the Karkinos, has vowed to save his people from a brutal disease, no matter the cost. So when a scintillating nymph with the power to heal them all falls into his lap, he'll do whatever it takes to keep her within his grasp--and far from his heart. Betrayed by those closest to him, Theron's hardened his shell so much, no one can penetrate his armor. Not even Cyane, though that doesn't stop her from demanding the one thing he's sworn he'll never give to anyone again--his trust.

Only she can crack through his shell
Unquenchable passions crash them into each other, binding their destinies, and their hearts. If they can stand together and fight the darkness claiming him from the inside out, they might find a way to save not only his people, but hers as well.

The Lords of Krete Series (A spin-off of the Halcyon Romance Series)
Five interwoven tales of allurement, redemption, and devotion where powerful, steadfast males and bold, spirited females battle the elements within themselves to prove that true love stays the course and conquers all.

Water's Mark
Earth's Mark
Air's Mark
Fire's Mark
Aether's Mark

Halcyon Romance Series Reading Order:

Halcyon Romance:
Book 1: Moon Borne
Book 2: Earth Borne
Book 3: Water Borne

Lords of Thessaly: (series now complete!)
Book 1: Wicked Lord of Thessaly
Book 2: Brutish Lord of Thessaly
Book 3: Masterful Lord of Thessaly
Book 4: Untamed Lord of Thessaly
Book 5: Lost Lady of Thessaly

Lords of Krete:
Book 1: Water's Mark (a Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Cancer)
Book 2: Earth's Mark
Book 3: Air's Mark
Book 4: Fire's Mark
Book 5: Aether's Mark

Cursed Immortals:
Book 1: Shadow Borne

Other books by Rachael Slate:

Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Reading Order:
Book 1: Trancing the Tiger
Book 2: Rematch
Book 3: By the Horns
Book 4: Match Me Later
Book 5: Reining Him In
Book 6: Matching Dragons
Book 7: Never Match a Dragon
Book 8: In Wolf's Clothing
Click on any of the links above to see more books like this one.

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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2017
    • Rachael Slate
    • eBook
    • Jul-2017
    • Rachael Slate
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1988396204
    • ISBN13: 9781988396200

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