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Brimming with enigmatic photographs, future memes, and mud drawings, Visible showcases six genre-defying works from around the world that raise questions about the relationship between how we see, how we read, and how we write in “the age of the calligram.” In a rewrite of René Magritte’s “Les mots et les images,” Verónica Gerber Bicecci (translated by Christina MacSweeney) considers “images that think” and the internet. Marie NDiaye’s “Step of a Feral Cat,” translated by Victoria Baena, follows an academic, inspired by a portrait of an entertainer, as she walks the slippery space between literary ambition and exploitation. Monika Sznajderman (translated by Scotia Gilroy) assembles a fractured family history through photographs of a time she can never possibly know: “the pre-Holocaust world.” Focusing on those whose stories have yet to be told—the black Cuban singer Maria Martinez, a Polish family murdered in World War II, workers at a noodle shop in Busan, and the tallest man in recorded history—Visible asks us to interrogate the thin traces of shifting meaning we find in and between words and images, and how we can change that meaning for the future.
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2022
    • Two Lines Press
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1949641376
    • ISBN13: 9781949641370

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