Vengeance 2007
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The Mad Mayan Shape Shifter John Knowles used his dying breath to kill Diamond in book four of the Diamond Rising Star Adair Series. Medicine women from the Cherokee, Ucluelet, Hopi, Zuni and Mayan Nations brought her back to life with powers that have not existed since the dispersal of the Mayan pantheon. She takes as her mission to bring balance to the world, starting with the United States. She has the power to heal, to kill and to drive people insane. Her first step is to initiate a secret clan of other powerful medicine men and women. They use their powers to attack the forces fueled by the greed and anger of those who consider themselves Masters of the Universe and are trying to remake the industrialized nations in their totalitarian image. She recruits the reclusive uber-hacker Roy, the physicist Dean, the engineer Jose, the genetically altered Mayan warrior Chris and a group of women from Great Britain, Canada and America to assist her usual team. These women are all academics who teach and run research centers. Several of them are also hackers and some of them operate a high-end BDSM set of floating pleasure ships in the Caribbean. The action takes place in California, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Miami, Montreal and London as well as in Bermuda, the Caribbean. and Belize
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2012
    • Obsidian Eagle LLC
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0984905146
    • ISBN13: 9780984905140

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