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Betrayal and loss have changed Emily Riddle in ways she never thought possible. With a death wish guiding her every move, she's willing to compromise her morals, ethics, and instincts to bring the men who've broken her heart to justice… even if that means living a life underground, being someone she's not, and pretending to respect the very men she's positioning herself to take down. As soon as she teams up with the district attorney, Tope Bryson, and agrees to be a member of his covert operation, she returns to the commune and convinces the patriarchal leaders she is the most qualified person to take on roles traditionally assigned to men. Desperate and without options, Owen, the commune's leader and Emily's father, agrees to a temporary change. Emily takes full advantage of the opportunity and quickly proves to him, much to her brothers' dismay, that he can't live without having her in those critical roles and that she may be the best candidate for his next in command. She and Tope quickly realize that the men of the commune consider a woman who threatens the good ol' boy system that's been in place for decades public enemy number one. Determined to protect Emily from her brothers, Tope plants an undercover officer and charismatic law student, Noah Babineaux, in the commune. Neither Tope nor Emily is prepared for the attention Noah pays Emily. With a nothing else matters attitude, Emily focuses on her underground mission and pushes her hate, anger, grief, and… blossoming feelings down until they threaten to explode from the inside and tear her apart. It's a race against the clock to get the evidence necessary -- and ultimately the retaliation Emily craves -- before a life of submissive brutality, or sibling jealousy, kills her.
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2014
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1482587866
    • ISBN13: 9781482587869

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