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The blow of her father's death falls all the harder on Lindsay MacClane Lee, for she had been used to the best things of life, and he dies leaving her practically penniless. She is left to face the bitter struggle of life with the additional responsibility of bringing up her three-year-old brother. The struggle is a hard one, especially when she obtains a position which necessitates her leaving her brother for days on end; and very much against her will she is forced to accept the hospitality of her guardian. Before he died, her father named Neil MacKinnon as the guardian of Lindsay and her brother, and although she had never seen him before, the MacClane blood in her, a heritage from her mother, rebelled against this, for the MacClanes and the MacKinnons were sworn enemies. The clash of wills between the determined Lindsay and the proud and fearless head of the MacKinnnon clan was inevitable, but the story is a stirring one, and the solution to this conflict will find a place in the heart of every reader.
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