Thirty-five and Single
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    Contemporary Romance
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USA Today Bestselling Author, Terri E. Laine, brings a new standalone, Thirty-five and Single.

What can go wrong when you're getting divorced from your high school sweetheart, it's your thirty-fifth birthday and you have too much to drink?

Throw in the gorgeous neighbor who comes to the rescue when you can't seem to open your apartment door after all the alcohol and end up taking a drunken slip and slid across the floor.

Then you look up into his gorgeous face and forget all the reasons why it's a bad idea to hook-up with said twenty-something neighbor. In fact, it's a fan-freaking-tastic idea.

Now let the games begin because this is Olivia's life: - interfering sisters, the ex, co-workers… and Joel, her way too sexy, too young, but oh so hot neighbor.

Wanting to explore single life, Olivia fights her growing connection with Joel. Only he's is determined to prove to her that age is just a number and she's is his number one.
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