Theodora Turner sees the spiral of lifetimes
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    Paranormal Romance
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Jack Turner is sent back to this planet to merge with another person and finds himself bound into a body who has a sister. His interference finds me on the wrong path. Because of him, I live a life of psychological abuse and filled with a sense of hopelessness. A nagging feeling fills me which helps to keep me alive. I am meant to go to Scotland but I have to wait and when the time was right, I was given answers to my questions. With hope restored and help from a Goddess, I am shown what is hidden in plain sight but I cannot be with him. There are many lost souls who struggle daily, questioning their lives. They don't realise that the answer is within them. My soulmate saw the signs and now waits while I live through my lifetimes. After this life, I can return to him but first, I have to share my story of when I lived amongst you as Theodora Turner.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2012
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1724934902
    • ISBN13: 9781724934901

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