The Reenactor: A Staged Death
How thin is the veil between life and the hereafter? With her husband safely home from a dangerous mission to save his sister, Grace believes her constant fears and encounters with uneasy spirits will stop and life will finally settle into a normal pace. A fun day with family, the only item on her agenda, Grace, Harry and her stepson, Will plan a day at a Civil War encampment. The summer day darkens when Grace becomes witness to a murder and a century old mystery. Civil War reenactors strive to stage an encampment true to the times. But the 10th Regiment goes too far when the spirit of a Union Lieutenant confuses them for his long dead comrades. Grace realizes what the Lieutenant wants from her -- to right an injustice that could haunt him through eternity. Before she can act on behalf of the dead man's quest, she becomes the target for a murderer who can't chance Grace's identification. Compounding the problems, Harry's earlier success in rescuing his sister turns to horror when the family learns the South American drug lord he tricked has issued a death contract, ultima venganza, on Harry and his family. Once again, Grace's normal life spins out of control and leaves her praying that when morning comes her family will be alive.
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    • May-2011
    • Echelon Press
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1590805933
    • ISBN13: 9781590805930

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