The Plot To Ice Governor Tea
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Disenchanted Minnesota voters repudiated both major political parties and elected a handsome star of motion pictures and television to be their governor. It fell to the suave double-dealing state ombudsman to protect not only the governor but those in the legislature who sought to replace him.Among the more sinister were a philandering senator who could not keep his pants zipped, and a part-time actor, expatriate New Yorker, who could arrange anything, including murder.Murder proved to be contagious; a newspaper columnist wanted a piece of the action, as did a juvenile delinquent who thought he had made the big time when the Don hired him as a hit man.Only Ross Scotyard, the young private investigator who had been sent to establish an office in the Twin Cities stood in their way. And only Ross Scotyard could obtain justice for the Lady in the Lake.
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    • Dec-2002
    • iUniverse
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0595260888
    • ISBN13: 9780595260881

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