The Mad Robot, The, & Running Man
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Armchair Fiction presents extra large editions of classic science fiction double novels. The first novel is an outer space adventure by William P. McGivern, The Mad Robot. There were killer robots on Jupiter. It seemed like a fairly simple mission. Make a routine supply run to Jupiter and plant yourself in the Earth-Mars robot experimental station. Then hang around for awhile and see if you can figure out what problems they're having with the robot development program out there. Just don't let anybody know that you're spying on them. But when Rick Weston arrived on Jupiter, he soon found himself in a maze of hatred and intrigue. Robots were going beserk on occasion-and sometimes taking human lives! With the help of a friendly Martian scientist and a beautiful girl, it didn't take Weston long to figure out the problems with the robots weren't just mechanical. The second novel is The Running Man by sci-fi vet, J. Hunter Holly. No one was safe from the powerful force. I can't tell you my name, the trembling man stammered out. I'm simply a man, Mr. Munro-a man running for his life! But whether I'm able to stay alive or not, someone else must know what I know... And what the running man knew was incredible and horrifying. But before the night was over, the running man was dead, and with that, Jeff Munro had to believe the horrifying truth. And he had to find a way to destroy the evil power that was loose upon the world. It had come from outer space, reaching into our Solar System from a faraway star. It was a power that could invade men's minds. It was a power capable of ruling the entire universe.
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2013
    • Armchair Fiction & Music
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1612871321
    • ISBN13: 9781612871325

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