The Lost Lamb on Honeysuckle Lane
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It's summertime in the little village of Welford. The sun beams down on the rolling green Yorkshire hills, and the scent of freshly cut grass is in the air. Local vet Mandy Hope and her boyfriend Jimmy Marsh are happily setting up their new home, and life at animal rescue centre Hope Meadows is as busy as ever. When the Welford Garden Committee announces a Midsummer Fair, Mandy is thrilled to be invited to judge the animal-themed fancy dress competition. The whole of Welford turns out for the fair, and the fancy dress competition is a roaring success. Three-year-old Herbie and eighteen-month-old Kiran come as Bo Beep and her lost sheep and Mandy can't help but melt. Maybe having children of her own isn't such a ridiculous idea after all? But in the euphoric mayhem of the day, little Kiran goes missing and a frantic search ensures. When the lost lamb is rumoured to have been seen on nearby Honeysuckle Lane, it's all hands on deck to solve the mystery and restore him to his rightful home. Based on the bestselling Animal Ark series, this is the perfect read for fans of Lily Graham, Heidi Swain and Holly Martin. Why readers are falling in love with the Hope Meadows series: 'A stunning, emotional, beautiful tale of friendship, love, and the importance of being who you need to be ' Books of All Kinds 'A wonderful, heart-warming story ... I couldn't turn the pages quickly enough !' With Love For Books 'Such a wonderfully warm and cosy read - you can curl up and lose yourself in a gorgeous story full of animals in a lovely village.' Bookworms and Shutterbugs 'I was enchanted ... a wonderful story; one that I completely loved ' Rachel's Random Reads 'A gorgeous book to curl up with' Shaz's Book Blog ' I LOVED this book! I couldn't give it anything less than a 5-star review' Netgalley, 5 stars
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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2018
    • Hodder & Stoughton (UK)
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1473683203
    • ISBN13: 9781473683204

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