The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir
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With shades of Umberto Eco and Paul Auster, this brilliant, addictive adventure novel is about the search for a mythical lost city located somewhere in modern-day Iran. As a succession of explorers and shady characters dig deeper into the landscape, the ancient secret of Suolucidir is gradually revealed. This is brainy, escapist fiction at its best."-Publishers Weekly, Starred & Boxed Review"The author's prose is rich with winking allusions and sendups of modern tomb-raiding tropes, down to an explorer with 'a long stiff braid down her back.'"-The New Yorker" . cerebral, satirical, and entertaining archaeological thriller. this richly crafted and handsomely written novel rewards rereading."-David Cooper, New York Journal of Books"It's always a delight to discover a voice as original as Susan Daitch's."-Salman Rushdie"One of the most intelligent and attentive writers at work in the US today."-David Foster WallaceIndiana Jones meets Italo Calvino in a masterful, absurdist blend of biting social satire, rollicking adventure, invented history and mythology.A series of archeological expeditions unfolds through time, each one looking for the ruins of a fabled underground city-state that once flourished in a remote province near the border of present-day Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Sealed off for centuries by seismic activity, Suolucidir beckons with the promise of plunder and the glory of discovery, fantasies as varied as the imaginations of her aspiring modern-day conquerors. As the tumult of the twentieth century's great wars, imperial land grabs and anti-colonial revolutions swirl across its barren, deserted landscape, the ancient city remains entombed below the surface of the earth. A succession of adventurers, speculators and unsavory characters arrive in search of their prize, be it archeological treasure, oil, or evidence of crimes and punishments. Intrigue, conspiracies, and counter-plots abound, and contemporary events interfere with each exped
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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2016
    • City Lights Books
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 0872867013
    • ISBN13: 9780872867017
    • Jul-2016
    • City Lights Publishers
    • eBook (Kindle)

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