The Learner
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    Paranormal Romance
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An alien from deep space visits Earth and falls in love with a human. 

NayéLi has come from the dark side of the universe to learn as much as she can about the third planet from the sun, and to communicate her findings back to her home world. NayéLi is a Learner, and on Earth she assumes the form of a young human female of the indigenous host species.

NayéLi is bound by her rulers' laws of planetary exploration, which state that there can be no involvement with a member of the host species. But NayéLi is more human now than she realizes. And she is about to fall in love.

NayéLi's rulers order her to leave this host human she's fallen in love with.

NayéLi refuses, risking not only the successful outcome of her mission on Earth, but also her life as well as the life of the man she loves.

THE LEARNER is the first book in the paranormal/scifi Learner Series. ALLEGIANCE and WAR are books two and three!

Alan Nayes is the author of the spellbinding sci-fi apocalyptic series, The Resurrection Trilogy (GARGOYLES, PLAGUE, RESURRECTION), and the giant cat thriller, SMILODON. ABOMINABLE is his most recent release. For a complete list of books, please visit
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