The Inheritance
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A dying mob boss skips over his son and leaves his fortune to his daughter, a Catholic Nun assigned to Central Africa. After his death, the nun, Jenna Costello, flies to New York City to hear the terms of her father's will. To her shock and the church's dismay, Jenna's father has cut his son Vincent out of the will and left his entire estate to Jenna, who plans to use the fortune to build a church and hospital in Africa.

Outraged at being cutoff, Vincent has his mob lawyers hire a retired CIA mole to plan the accidental death of Jenna so he can claim his father's fortune. The mole contracts his best man, retired ARMY Ranger Jack Montgomery to plan the accident. Except that Jack is a hit man with a conscience who lives by the simple rule of No Women, No Kids and No Personal Matters. Although Jack refuses the job he suspects that Vincent Costello will hire someone else to do the job and he takes to following Jenna around New York City. To his surprise, Jenna Costello is more than a Nun; she is also a beautiful woman. Although Jack has no reason to, he intervenes when an attempt is made on Jenna's life and Jack takes on the role of Jenna's protector. With little options available, Jack takes Jenna into hiding where he is shocked to discover that he is falling in love with the woman he was supposed to murder.
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