The Essence of Love Karen
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    Contemporary Romance
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On a dark, rainy night in the East End of London a young girl, Katie Carson, witnesses her mother jump from a bedroom window trying to escape the demons in her mind, and Katie's life is changed forever. Katie's path is inextricably linked with Simon's, a boy known to her from school, when her kindly grandparents welcome him into their home after his mother abandons him. It's a bond that endures throughout the years, even after Simon moves to Yorkshire to be reunited with his father. Friendship turns to love, but each of their childhood traumas leave them with fears and insecurities, nervous of committing to each other. Can they allow their fragile hearts to open and risk being hurt again? When an intimidating bully from their childhood days re-enters their lives, they are in grave danger. With a vengeful man intent on causing devastation and family secrets hampering their future together, will Katie and Simon ever find the peace and happiness they truly deserve? The Essence of Love is a deeply compassionate romance with heart and soul that will make you laugh and cry.
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