The Crowned Garza S
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He's a man with a mask, and he's off-limits... They call him Guy.They say he's loyal, trustworthy, solid.Without him, Red Cage would collapse like a house of cards. He's the man my brothers trust with their lives, and by extension, my life. The praises of his multifaceted capabilities ring louder than God's.Somehow, it seems like I'm the only one who sees through his façade. Like I'm the only one who smells his provocative fragrance of deception, guile, and knavery.To everyone else, he's the ever-helpful, ever-willing good guy.To me, he's a giant prick. Is it really just me who notices the darkness that emanates from him like tendrils of black smoke? Is it only me who sees the man behind the mask?Determined to expose his duplicity, I follow him down a dark alley one night...I thought uncovering the truth would validate me.I was not prepared for it to seduce me...*This book is a standalone. It is not necessary to read the other books in the series to read this one. This story does not hinge on the plots of previous books. It's totally fine to start here.*
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2023
    • S. Ann Cole
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