The Bougainvillea Tree
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The Bougainvillea tree is a coming of age story highlighting what it is like to be part of the tapestry of growing up in the Caribbean, mainly of course, the island of Barbados. There is an absolute pleasure living in a tropical paradise but not without its day to day challenges. Peter's journey is a fictional account through the eyes of animal characters which gives us a feel for both how humans and nature view life in Barbados. His passage into manhood is strongly influenced by the knowledge of God which was instrumental in overcoming challenges such as family division, bullying, lust and loneliness. His faith is a key component for survival against the many narratives of social, political, and religious aspects. These are the bedrock of existence that influence the way we live, emboldened by the easy-going lifestyle that is associated with being a West Indian. You are also treated to a few photographs of places around the island that are affiliated with the story. There are clues within the chapters to give you an idea of the locations. Get your family together and take a trip around the island locating these photos to discover God, nature and the culture of Barbados!
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    • First Edition
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN13: 9798564072601

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