The Angel of Zin
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  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
  • Time Period:
    WWII (1939-1945)
  • Setting:
    Nazi-controlled Poland
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At a Nazi death camp in Poland, the strangled body of an informer is discovered by the Jewish mistress of the camp commandant. Then an SS lieutenant is found, throat cut ear to ear.
The Gestapo orders the Berlin Criminal Police to solve these crimes.
The hunter is Paul Bach, Chief Homicide Inspector, a widower and wounded combat veteran of the Russian Front, a man at odds with war and Nazi evil. And the hunted is ‘the Angel of Zin,' a killer who always leaves a clue in the form of a note.
As hunter closes in on hunted, this daring and unusual novel offers an answer to the question all supposedly decent men and women at some time must ask themselves: “If I had been a German then, and realized what was happening, what would I have done?”


“Absolutely compelling. A totally engrossing thriller.” -- Thomas Keneally, author of Schindler's List

“Exciting, dynamic, and marvelously written.” -- Bestsellers

“Masterfully done. A powerful novel.” -- Publishers Weekly
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