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Vivvie Collins was only there for the cheddar biscuits. A blind date at Red Lobster turns ugly and she is marked by an ancient beast out of spite for her rejection. Soon her roommate goes missing, every stray cat in the neighborhood is crawling over her patio, and she develops some serious issues of her own.
The creature that stalks her isn't going anywhere. He returns nightly to mark his territory. She has no idea what is planned for her until a strange man arrives. Disbelief and terror combine as she faces the fact she has been infected by one of his tribesmen, his kinsmen named Ryken.
Ty is one of five ancient Indians cursed by a demon of the Spirit World. He shifts into a black panther with the power of sight, forever trapped between both worlds, part human and part beast. He has only one soul left from the nine he was born with. He is determined to kill the one who bit her, even if it means leaving Vivvie.
Vivvie is terrified to know what she is turning into. Going into heat and chasing her food is the least of her problems. She is believed dead, can never go home, never see her family and friends again. Arriving at an underground retreat, she is feared and hated by the tribe, an outsider.
The leader of the tribe, Elijah, sees Vivvie as a nuisance, a breeder that could already complicate their growing population numbers. He lets her stay against his better judgment. Soon, he is as intrigued as Ty with the Newbreed and her strange powers.
The beast that marked Vivvie is coming back for her, a threat to their very way of life
People / Creatures
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