Tales of a Society Nothing
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    Historical Romance
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    19th Century Victorian (1837-1901)
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Viscount Ambrose Holyoake is holed up in a decrepit flat in London's most dangerous slum. He's been attacked by an assassin while on a mission for the Royal Saboteurs. Ambrose survived but needs time to recover from his injury, so imagine his surprise when the fellow agent who tracks him down is none other than his estranged wife, Margaret Vaughn. Maggie left him three years ago when he didn't support her wish to become an agent for the Crown. He wanted to protect her and keep her safe. Instead, he lost her, and though he still loves her, he isn't sure he's willing to risk his heart again.

Margaret Vaughn was assigned to find Ambrose Holyoake. Now that she's found him alive and filed her report, she can return to the training camp and a real assignment. Except Ambrose's mission, is full of danger and intrigue, threatens her friends and the lives of innocent people. She can't walk away, which means instead of abandoning him, she's drawn closer to Ambrose as they investigate together. But has he really changed? And what if love is simply not enough to repair their shattered marriage?
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