Tag, You're Dead
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Five hackers. One game. Ten thousand Infected Undead.

EPISODE 7: Tag, You're Dead

Torn between rescuing Ashley from the homicidal Ben and staying with Jake, who's been infected, Jessie, Kelly and Reggie must carefully plan their next move. But Reggie falls ill and the Undead break into their stronghold. Soon they're fighting for their lives in a battle that will lead all of the group to their darkest hour.


"GAMELAND a tv show in a book!!"

-- Lori Parker (from GAMELAND Omnibus)

"Getting Deeper & Deeper in the dark world of GAMELAND!"

-- David Dalton (from GAMELAND Omnibus)


In the center of Long Island's forbidden wasteland, overseen by a powerful corporation known as Arc Properties, is GAMELAND, a massive virtual reality arcade where the rich and privileged act out their brutal fantasies. Using cybernetic links and holographic setups, Operators pit their Undead Players against each other in a high stakes game of violence, money and power, while the poor are left to watch the horrifying and powerfully addictive contests on State-controlled media streams.

Volunteering to become a Player is illegal, but the promise of fame and money can be a powerful lure, despite the ultimate sacrifice. Sometimes, the motivation is a lot simpler: revenge.

First published monthly from May through December 2012 in digital format, all episodes and omnibus editions are now also available in print. In addition to individual episodes, multi-episode packages are available in electronic format. Full series completely revised and updated on February 7, 2013

Not recommended for readers under 15.

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    • Dec-2012
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1481042181
    • ISBN13: 9781481042185

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