Sweet Seas
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    Contemporary Romance
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SASSI ROBINS needs money. Lots of money. If she can't get her hands on enough by Dario Correa's deadline, she'll be forced to walk down the aisle at his side. Damning her father for dying and leaving her with his debts won't help. She needs a job, one that pays damn well.CAPTAIN SWAIN needs a cook. One who can cast off without delay, and he doesn't mind paying for the privilege. The waif who shows up for the job doesn't seem like she'll last a day on the waves. But the sweet-smelling wench has a fire that draws him in, mesmerizes him, and makes him lose his mind.Although Sassi knows she should resist the gruff, overbearing master of the vessel, it's a fight she can't win. On his ship, she's his to do with as he pleases... and his desires have a lot to do with pleasing her.But the fantasy can't last. Reality is waiting for her onshore and time is working against them. Sassi has to let her captain go to save his life and fight against the clock to save her own.Warning: Contains explicit language and imagery. Suitable only for ages 18 and over.Excerpt from Sweet Seas...When he was inside, he slammed the door so hard that the whole ship probably lurched, but he was too incensed to notice. Before he opened his mouth, she shifted to widen her stance and set her eyes on fierce. You lay one finger on me and I'll scream rape so loud they'll hear me in Aruba.It took him a second to register how quickly she'd changed from innocent imp to this ferocious fighter. Maybe you should've f***ing thought about that before you started the sex talk!Her eyes narrowed. If one of your men says the word sex, do you drag him to his room and attack him?None of my men get on their knees and try to spoon feed me!
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