Substitute Doctor
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Dr. Garde Shelton didn't want to substitute for a man convicted of murder. And now as he walked through the town looking at the great estates, the magnificent town houses, the luxurious yacht club, his heart sank. The town would resent him for taking Dr. Kurt Lilard's place, since no one believed Kurt was guilty.

He was wrong -- at least partly wrong. The town observed his sure touch with children, his brutal frankness to parents. They respected him and respect began to turn to admiration -- until Garde fell in love with Kurt Lilard's fiancée and began to pry into the murder case.

Surely the new doctor's motives couldn't be unselfish -- for if Lilard was acquitted, Garde would lose both his practice and the woman he loved.

Would any man demand the truth, no matter how much it hurt?
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    • Dec-1986
    • Amereon Limited
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 0884110362
    • ISBN13: 9780884110361

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