Splintered Energy
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The Colors is a science fiction romance for adult audience and a four novel saga. The series has been edited since first released. Splintered Energy begins the journey.
Waves of energy are happy hanging in the cosmos until dawn breaks -- literally.
Light fractures, zaps into human bodies and becomes trapped.
Without memories to guide them, a handful of confused beings are left wondering why, where and what.
Their skin tones now specific colors, they only understand they don't belong here and don't want to. While the few humans clued in to Earth's invasion struggle to protect the color they bond with, survival odds grow dim.

California. A widower's twelve-year-old son is rather young to bring home a woman, especially a collapsed green beauty too frightened to open her eyes.

Arizona. A divorcee blinks hard, but the gorgeous red guy stepping in front of her car is still red -- hello, ditch. When she comes around, she wonders which layer of hell she's fallen into.

Ohio. A teen fears he's dealing with the demonic, but no matter how dangerous things become, he's determined to stand by a man with inhumanly blue eyes.
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