Shadows over the Delta
  • Published:
    Aug-31-2024 (Release)
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    Romantic Suspense
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What killed Mike Jensen? A gunshot or a lion? The evidence seems conclusive, but two days after a young man is charged, he's found dead in the cells of a Botswana prison. Fifteen years later, questions regarding Mike's death resurface when Mike's sister, Susan, reconnects with the other young men she accompanied on that fateful hunting trip as the tag-along sister fresh out of school. Starky Willis has become a successful businessman, operating a hunting lodge that caters to the rich and famous. Her brother's other friend, Phil Greene, is now head of Botswana's National Parks and Wildlife's anti-poaching unit. Susan is determined to hold someone accountable for her brother's death – and the lie she's been forced to live for fifteen years. When she befriends disillusioned Australian journalist Verity White, newly arrived in Botswana after her husband has relocated to Maun having lost his jet job during the bitter Australian Pilot's Dispute, Susan realises she has the perfect ally. Verity's new job as a hostess on Starky's overland safari places her in the ideal position to help Susan investigate. With two wealthy clients intent on shooting a lion in the northern Okavango Delta, Susan sees an opportunity to trap the man she believes is a murderer. But she has underestimated Verity, who, despite her vulnerability and unhappiness, demands a higher standard of evidence. As threatening forces close in, Verity finds an unexpected source of help. But is she too trusting? So, what really happened to Mike Jensen on that doomed safari? And is Verity about to follow in his footsteps? Murky like the Okavango's wandering channels, the truth is just as hidden and treacherous to navigate. For lovers of Africa-set romantic suspense filled with mystery and the unexpected! RELEASES AUGUST 31, 2024
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    • First Edition
    • Sep-2024
    • Sani Publishing
    • eBook

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