Shadow of the Rose
  • Published:
    Dec-2004 (Hardcover)
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  • Main Genre:
    Contemporary Romance
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Soldier, Warrior, Rebel . . .

He makes you cry for his pain and cheer for his victories. He fills your daydreams and remains etched in your memory for all time. He's the wounded hero--the most compelling figure in romantic fiction. And he's about to wrap himself around your heart and never let go.

The award-winning, best-selling authors of THE JOURNEY HOME have conjured an inspired collection of stories about this beloved icon whose soul bears the scars of time and fate. In each passionate and magical tale, you'll meet an irresistible warrior who's facing the aftermath of a conflict. You'll meet, too, the courageous woman who wants to tend his wounds, help him rebuild his shattered dreams, and give him the love he needs and so richly deserves--if only he will let her.

Ten romantic encounters of the extraordinary kind, each proving what the heart knows is true--that the most powerful healer . . . in any time or place . . . was, is, and always will be love.
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