  • Published:
    Jul-12-2024 (Release)
  • Formats:
    Print / eBook
  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
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Scandal, revenge, and the rise of a Supermodel.A teenager growing up in a destitute and abusive family near the slums of Rio, Ronny dreams of one day becoming a fashion photographer and travelling a world he's only seen in the pages of magazines. When Ronny is scouted by his idol, star fashion photographer Santo Diaz, and offered a chance to walk the runway at Milan's fashion week, he takes the leap, only to find himself propelled into a world he wasn't prepared for.From castings and photo shoots rife with abuse to drug fueled parties and their flock of celebrities, Ronny makes new friends and loses his illusions one after another, until he meets Ella, a sunny Australian model who encourages him to follow his dreams to become a working fashion photographer despite it all.But as Ronny gets closer to Ella and sets onto a new path in life, tragedy strikes when Nick, a fellow model, commits suicide in opaque circumstances. Determined to uncover the truth behind Nick's death and expose the perpetrator, Ronny must risk everything to expose the industry's ugliest secrets...
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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2024
    • James Houston
    • Trade Paperback

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