Sabotage on Solitude Bay
Kitty Swift and her psychic service dog, Chica, are off to spend Christmas with Leander at his family's beautiful historic Bed and Breakfast in the Florida Keys. She's prepared for disapproving parents and interfering siblings, but as usual nothing goes according to plan and Kitty is shocked to discover that sabotage is on the menu.

When threatening messages are found scrawled around the stunning beachside property, Starling and Swift vow to uncover who is trying to scare away the wealthy clientele. Within hours of taking the case, the culprits turn their destructive wrath on the crime-fighting trio with shocking vengeance.

If they don't solve the mystery soon, Solitude Bay might go from being Kitty's new favorite placeā€¦ to her final resting spot!
People / Creatures
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    • Dec-2017
    • Mercer Lake Publishing House LLC
    • eBook (Kindle)

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