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"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 NKJV

The events in this book are fictional. Any correspondence with reality is purely coincidental.

The reason I chose to write a sex history was two-fold. One reason was that a former co-worker at DoublePrime impressed on me that "sharing" was a good thing. The other reason is that I had recently come to acquire recorded evidence that people were saying things about me that were worse than the truth. This short Journal is written entirely from memory - I did not pre-meditate this by writing about the events as they occurred. This is unlike my "Rainbow, Sunshine, and Stars" series, suitable for a wider audience, which I wrote day-to-day. For brevity, I did not include the myriad of women on whom I had unrequited crushes from high school on-wards. Nor, did I include the many unsuccessful attempts at legitimate dating, at mostly churches - or, any of my trips to sports bars or dating services.

This is a very brief introductory edition.
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